Your inability to work. If you have a physical or mental condition that causes you to be unable to do the work that you are suited for (given your age, education and experience), and the disability is expected to last for at least 12 consecutive months or result in your death, then you can be considered. Obviously, the key debate is around your ability to work.
The Social Security disability benefit system is one of the most complicated and confusing of all the federal bureaucracies. We handle Social Security Disability claims every day, but we know this is not an everyday experience for you. We will guide you through every step in the process. Our Social Security disability lawyers and our professional staff will get to know you and your situation well, because the better we know you, the better we can represent you.
Don’t delay. Contact our law firm today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Call our main office toll free 800-525-2099.
Oregon Social Security Disability Attorneys at the Law Offices of Black, Chapman, Webber & Stevens represent clients throughout Oregon, Northern California and the entire United States.